Thursday, 6 January 2011

Usability: Click and Drag cursor

Although it's a common feature in many flash applications a little feedback for users is always welcome... specially when you have a "click and drag" situation.

Recently I came across this request for an infography for a client. I make the infography, but the application didn't have a feedback for the user that that area was meant to be draggable, only a small phrase stating that.

I agreed that this would make sense and made the change.

To substitute the regular Windows mouse icon with one of your own, you must first import the class that controls the mouse UI options, like this:

import flash.ui.Mouse;

This class let's you use two important features for mouse icon... the hide and show options.

If you put it like this:

The mouse icon will disappear, although the mouse still works, but you don't know where it is.

The reverse option will be the show option, like this:;

You must import also the MouseEvent class, to set the listeners later:

Now that we have our hide and show options, how can you make a custom icon and make it follow the mouse position?

Making it simple you have to add a listener for the mouse position, but this is made indirectly, since we are going to listen for any mouse move, and then see where it is.
Making an EnterFrame event can be costly specially if you're application has many pictures or video, like the one I had to make, so we're listening for any mouse move, which is triggered when... you guessed it... the mouse is moved.

First of all, make a movieclip with the icon you wish to appear, and place it in the library with a export actionscript name. I will call it MyLibraryCursor (remember that when making the movieclip, the "plus" sign indicates where will be the click spot for the mouse).

Make a new object with this Library Class:
public var myCursor:MyLibraryCursor;

Then on the init() function of your main class, define your new object, along with two important options:
myCursor = new MyLibraryCursor();
myCursor.mouseEnabled = false;
myCursor.mouseChildren = false;

mouseEnable tells flash if this object receives mouse behaviours. Usually that's a problem when you have many movieclips on the stage, where you can have problems with object focus (this will not disable mouse events).

mouseChildren is put there to prevent event bubbling. Has you know AS3 has a great feature, but sometimes difficult to control and understand, which is the propagation of events between children of a display object (bubbling). This prevents it from happening (a typical case of this is when you have a text box with text, and the mouse is only active when you pass by the line of a letter).

Next we will add the mouse movieclip to the stage:

Make the "windows" mouse disappear:

And then listen to the MOUSE_MOVE to make it follow the mouse:
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);

This calls the mouseMoveHandler function which will move the custom icon to the mouse position:
public function mouseMoveHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void
myCursor.x = evt.stageX;
myCursor.y = evt.stageY;

And that's it, the basics for replacing the windows cursor, for one of you're own.

Possibly in a future post I will explain other option for this, cleaning a bit the behaviours about this.

You can make a Global class to easy the control of the mouse behaviour if you have to hide, show and turning off and on, between different display objects across your application... this maybe will to go for a later post.


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